Yup, Praise God for his miraculous healing! My sore throat yesterday was really bad as i decided to sing (quite high some more) during choir practice yesterday which caused me to end the day with quite a painful throat. However, the pain was gradually lifted during my lab session today and is painless even now! (even after 3 huge yummilicious subway cookies... got chocolate chip and peanut butter some more!) Praise God eh!!! Hallelujah! =)
I've been extremely busy since school started (as mentioned/complained many many times) and yea, school has never been better. Though the past week or so has been quite eventful due to my foolishness, I guess I will have to start coming to terms with it and have faith in God. I've done my best, tried my best, I don't know what else I can do anymore... yup... But I guess I will keep praying and let God guide me through this. It is quite interesting to see how the devil tries to put you down at such important times (3 weeks to exams!!) and also, try to make me give serving God a miss for quite a few times. But I guess I must exercise faith. Everything happens for a reason and every situation God puts me through is a lesson for me to learn and eventually,grow. That, I know. I just got to start having the strength to pull through every difficult situation that I face, and start praising God for all the wonderful things in th world. Yup... I'll not let anything and anyone put me down anymore because it is pointless feeling that way. God has blessed me with such unexplainable peace through this period of time that I find it so amazing. It's very amazing, knowing that in the past, I would have just freaked out and break down. But now, I guess I'm stronger, through God's grace. So, whatever God's will may be, let it be so! All I ask is the strength and perseverance, to move on, pull through and not give up. I've done all the reflection that I can (I think...) and repented/lamented about my actions. There's just one thing for me to do now... to be patient and wait... Praise God for all his wonderful teachings =)
On a sidenote, I'm no longer going to USA at the end of ths year.. bummer... But, I'll be going t Hokkaido instead! Though not as exciting, but still, better than nothing. I guess it's God's way of answering my prayer of allowing me to attend all carolling sessions with the choir =) Yup! Next year, I'll be going to Hangzhou for a competition! Quite excited about the trip. Though I'm not a huge fan of China... Maybe this trip will change my GEOGRAPHICAL IMAGINATION of the country... haha... Oh wells... Back to studying for me =)