Yes, I've been busy studying for my upcoming test on monday and my project essay is killing me. I'm still quite confused over a few things but I think I've come to the point of accepting things as it is. In any case, if there's anyone out there who can explain what an electrostatic/electric potential is, please give me a beep beep. Arigato! My dear dear understudy has offered his services and had tried explaining it to me yesterday over MSN. But MSN being MSN, it's all words and I'm still confused. He even offered to meet me and explain things to me but I'm not free... hurr... oh well... My understudy still rocks!! Thanks Yuliang!
Just this afternoon, I've realised how important the symmetry we learnt in primary school is. For the past few days, I've been wrecking my brains, trying to figure out rotational symmetry in crystals. And I think my spatial IQ is extremely loww... hurrr... But I managed to see how rotational symmetry works (I know I'm not giving my pri sch teachers any credit for forgetting something so brainless and simple...) after remembering what Mrs Lau, my pri 5 and 6 form teacher, told us about rotational symmetry. I quote, "Just turn the paper and see if the figure is the same after rotating it for a certain angle". (not exact words though... Pri sch is like a million years ago..) And voila... I saw it! I was so so enlightened after that! Praise God for helping me remember! =)
And since yesterday, I've been waking up with an outpour of facts about protein crystallisation in my head. It's scary, I tell you. Once my eyes were opened, I begin thinking about how protein crystallisation works, how protein molecules assemble to produce crystals etc etc. Haha... I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing.
So... I took a break yesterday and went out for a movie. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian really rocks. I enjoyed the movie a lot! Though at some parts it can be quite funny. Haa... But that movie is seriously good. Exciting and of course sort of reminds me about how God works in our lives. With faith, all things are possible. That whenever we are in trouble, He's right there listening to us and guiding us along. yep yep... Truly nice to know indeed! =)
Alright, I guess it's back to studying and thinking about how to I am going to complete my report by next wednesday. Haa... But I quote, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself. Each day has enough worries of its own." Matthew 6:34. That I will remember. Praise God =)