Woots!! Three is the best concert I have ever attended so far! The 3 choirs featured are extremely good!! Really inspired by their music. I love the compositions by Ko Matsushita especially! His songs are very dynamic, very active. It is really very very very interesting!!! Loved the songs Mihara Yassa Bushi and Tawara-tsumi-uta especially. Ko Matsushita is indeed a good composer and a great conductor. With his funny antics on stage and humbleness, he never fails to entertain the crowd. Of course, as I have mentioned many many times, I LOVE HIS COMPOSITIONS!!! Be it slow or fast, contemporary or melodies, I love it! His songs are very touching and moving man!!!! In the concert, his songs were performed by Gaia Philharmonic Choir! Very nice! Rapid Jap, unique Jap tone (obviously since they are from Japan... but love it!) ARGH!!! How i wish i have the recordings! Once again, Ko Matsushita did not fail to amaze me! Woots! I would say the triple chorus composition by Ko Matsushita, Dona Nobis Pacem, is the best of the best! The arrangement of the choir around the whole concert hall seems to bring out the effect of the song! Though the song is short, seems easy to learn (seems arh...), but the impact was great (to me at least)! I am really wowed by it!
As for the songs performed by the SYC ensemble singers, conducted by Jennifer Tham, I guess its too abstract for me (the first two songs as least). More abstract than the ones i used to perform or listen. So I was trying to figure out what the sound was like and all (makes me a little drowsy too... haha) But I love the song Laudate Dominum by Urmas Sisask. Its a latin song with a Japanese tune! Very very interesting piece of music! Overall, the choir's performance is fantastic! Love the sound, the tone, the interpretations. Very beautiful.
Lastly, the part by the Ateneo Chamber Singers, conducted by Jonathan Velasco. As the main religion in Philipines is Catholicism, the songs sang by them were mainly hymns in dialects of the filipino language. The first 2 songs are like those sang by SYC, quite abstract. But still, it is really amazing. I guess they have lots of power pact singers as their singers can really project very well! I guess the songs sang by them have the best interpretations given their abilities and all! Its like you can be really touched by the song and actually feel what the composer is trying to tell you. LOVE THE ENDINGS MAN!! THE GREAT CRESCENDOS TO THE END! WOOTS! Nice ending chords! Loved the song I Believe in particular because it is very very well done! Their soloist for You Raise Me Up was great too! woots woots!!!
In summary, the concert is worth every single cent I have paid for! Wouldn't have missed it even if the ticket is very expensive! Ahhhh... My life is now complete! =))))))