Sunday, October 29, 2006
Alright, yesterday's family day was quite quiet... I was expecting the whole grandstand at the parade square to be filled with people but it turned out that only 1/4 or less people were there. And there were specks of people here and there on the parade square, patronising the store. How interesting... I spent less than an hour at the parade square before making my way back to the office where I watch TV and sleep =X Gotta catch up on my beauty sleep since I had to wake up early yesterday morning... haha...
Oh well, SYF would be coming and I wonder how Montfort Chorale will do this time. They might not be able to take part SYF if they don't have any new members next year. This is just so pathetic. The school doesn't seem to even care about the survival of the choir now judging by the way they are dealing with the intake problem. I know conscription isn't the best idea but I guess we should at least give this people a trial period of like 1 month before they make the decision whether they want to continue with choir. It really won't help by going around telling others how the choir can earn you CCA points or whatever other things that can boost their results. Even if we want to tell the new sec 1s what we have been doing, we can't because there is nothing to boast about. They can bring up stuff from 1997 to 2003 maybe, but, those were things that has happened a very long time ago. They may boast about the bronze they got two years back but judging by their standard now, they might not even get a COP if you ask me. The seniors have been trying to help them sort out their problems but they just won't listen. Everyone in the choir now is just so divided. Even the committee isn't what its used to be. How to help the choir like that... If only the others and I have time to go back and help them. At least help them with sectionals or advise them on the planning of activities. If only there is time... Sian-ness... Oh well, hopefully things will turn out better as time passes (hopefully.......)
As for Meridian Choir, they will be going to malacca for exchange in December!! So exciting! haha... Hopefully they have mastered or at least complete learning their choice pieces. Mr Kwei's style would be making us learn the set piece within a day and then we would perform the set piece in front of him at the end of the day. If it does not reach his expectations, we will have to go back and re-learn/touch up the piece and perform in front of him again. Until it reaches his expectation, then we can go. It can be stressful but then I guess he just wants us to minimise learning time and maximise interpretation time. Woots! he rocks my socks! Alright, the alumni might be having another performance at the end of this year! Can't wait man! So exciting!
Okay, looks like I have quite a few activities lined up for me in November and December. Weekly choir pract with Montfort Chorale, Meridian BBQ/Chalet, MCA BBQ, KOREA TRIP, CHRISTMAS, Meridian alumni performance!! woots! so happy! I guess I will end here...
"Sawadee Sawadee Sawadeekap! Chulalongkong University!"
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
This photo was taken at my house 4 years back. Everyone from my father's side came down for Chinese New Year visiting.
This picture was taken during my grandmother's 81st birthday. I remembered my uncle had this mini performance for her too. It was near christmas, so my uncle played the guitar and sang Christmas carols.
This was the last birthday celebration we had for our grandmother. I remembered that it was in the middle of my A levels and I had my Bio paper 3 the next day. That cute little girl there is my cousin.
Lastly, this is my family with my grandmother. Every family took turns to take a photo with my grandmother... haha...
Anyway, my grandmother was actually staying with my aunt since two years back. However, we know that she wanted to go back to her own house a lot even though she was very weak and all. So we decided to celebrate her birthday at her own house since it might be her last. I remembered a few days before my grandmother passed away, she was rather sad that she had to put up at my aunt's place as she felt that she is disturbing my aunt. She knows that we know that she wanted to go back to her own home a lot but she still chose to stay at my aunt's place as she did not want to trouble us. Oh well... it has been 8 months since my grandma passed away and I am still rather saddened that I wasn't able to see her for the last time (all thanks to asian aerospace, I was stucked in tekong till late afternoon...) I guess I will just have to move on. I really wish I can turn back time and apologise to her for all the trouble that I've caused her. How I wish I can see her again, that I can actually spend more time with her when I had the chance to. All the regrets now... sigh...
Therefore, note to all, "never ever learn from me... Never!"
Monday, October 23, 2006
Once upon a time, there lived a lizard named shitty. It has made itself a lovely home under the microwave oven in the warm and welcoming kitchen of Jeremy. Whenever someone leaves the kitchen, it would run out of its home and sneak around for food. Most of the time, he would crawl into the pots and plates on the table top in search for food. Oh shitty oh shitty, it is so darn clever. Whenever someone sets foot into the kitchen, it would run back into its shelter. Sometimes, it really makes us wonder, whether our food and drinks are poisoned with shit powder.
That darn lizard! Can't it just leave my food alone! Damn!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I'm hooked on to Charmed recently. Have been watching the first 3 seasons of Charmed on youtube since last week. Oh well, I guess its my way to pass time at the moment. Just feeling very clueless about how to live each day to the fullest with no regrets , no worries, no troubles... And here is God's answer to me...
Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me.
How great is our God... Woots! Oh well, I guess I have to be stronger in my faith and trust everything in the hands of God. For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Anyway, the past week has been quite an eventful one. I had finished checking my report which took me 5 long painful days to complete. I finally know how its like to be an ops clerk. Andy and JJ has finally ORD-ed (Congrats!!!!). I went through an interestingly short audit interview (in the process, I skipped life activity again (= ). I stayed in for one whole week for the very first time since I OOT-ed. Annndd, it was my first time standing at the BBQ pit with my cousins for HOURS, trying to be good filial children by cooking and serving food for the elderly (age 20 and above). Howwww interesting...
Oh well... I will be giving Chase a crash course in Bio for the next few weeks before the A levels. Having to cover quite a few chapters within this short period of time seems so impossible... I've covered 4 chapters in 2 hours today. Hopefully he remembers every single thing i say -_-"...
I've been looking through the stuff which I did when I was in JC recently... How I scare myself like shit when I did badly for my mid year exams. How I feel bad when people had to retain or leave the school because they didn't do quite well. How i work my arse off in year two, trying to do well for my exams. How I stopped myself from eating fast food for a whole 3 months to prepare for SYF. How I got high fever and sore throat 1 week before SYF (After check up at CMPB). How I drank herbal tea as though it is plain water. How I evolved from a loner/no-lifer in first sem of year 1 to a crazy arse h*** now... Hmmm... It makes me realised how much I've changed...
Sigh... Time passes so quickly... I miss the old times back at school... I miss the old Log Br (People and all)... I miss my grandma too... Things just don't seem the same anymore. As one chapter closes, another chapter opens. If we don't close a chapter properly, we will never be able to move on and open new ones. (So my counsellor said...) How to move on? Why am I clinging on to everything to tightly? How am I suppose to let go everything and close this chapter properly? Sigh... Its time for me to spend some time alone again to sort all these things out...
On a lighter note, I met Joel and Ting Yi last Sunday. Joel has already gotten his driver's license and it feels weird to see him drive... muahahahaha... Its rather scary since he is a kan cheong driver while I am a kan cheong passenger.. Two kan cheong people on an expressway is not a very optimistic scenario you know. Oh well, at least it was an interesting mini gathering last Sunday and I am looking forward to more in future. Woots!
Alright, may God bless each and everyone of you. Amen. =)
Friday, October 13, 2006
Anyway, Marshall duty is seriously quite boring. Interesting things always happen to me during Marshall duty. Last Friday, I was located behind the parade square and there was a pack of dogs staring/glaring (It might be paranoia acting) at me for a very very long time. So scary. But after staring at me, they headed towards the jungle. I wonder what they did there. Seriously, I think they are combat trained. They are so well disciplined, I mean, the 5 dogs ran in a straight line towards the forest. A perfectly STRAIGHT LINE! So cool! After a while, it looks like they are doing section movement. Interesting dogs we have there. Today, I get to see a seagull flying above the sea, a chameleon which was running all around the place from bush to pavement to tree to pavement and back to bush and disappear. For a moment, it feels like I will be witnessing my first ever episode of a wildlife series on predators hunting their preys but someone ran close to it and the chameleon when to hide in the bushes. Damn... But I get to see seagulls flying here and there and everywhere! So cool. Never seen one of those birds before till today. So interesting! I was located near the sea today. So I had a very relaxing view (lucky me on Friday 13). Alright, hopefully my next marshall duty won't involve me running away from dogs or bees or those darn commando mosquitoes...
Anyway, I attended another wedding dinner on tuesday. It was a rather awkward one though because my family (or rather most of us) have never met the bride and groom before. How come you may (or may not... =x) ask? Because the groom is the son of my long lost aunty who has only reunited with my family a few years back. The only long lost cousin I know is her daughter because we were from the same school!!! woots! And the weird thing is, my long lost aunty was staying a few blocks away from me for quite some time and it was only a few years later that we realise who she really was. So cool! (Like some drama serial... haha) Okay... Anyway, my cousins and I were like crazily searching for the groom's brother because we had never seen him before. And when we found him, we were like so excited over it because.................... we found him... -_-" So unglam in a galmorous hotel. What to do... its in the genes man... ha! Anyway, the wedding was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. I have observed some things about the waiters there.....
1. They don't get tired asking, "Can I clear your plate sir/mdm?". They actually ask each and every one sitting at the table the same question. Even small children at the age of 11 wasn't spared. So interesting.
2. They have poor agaration skills because they served 9 bowls of noodles instead of 10. The huge bowl have enough noodles for 10 bowls however something must have happened to cause him to serve 9... wahahahaha (I'm not blaming the waiter... He looks new anyway)
3. They have specific people in charged of refilling our drinks. Throughout the whole dinner, I only see two ladies going around pouring drinks for everyone. So cool! And they were actually able to serve everyone! (That's why 5 star...)
Alright, towards the end of the dinner, somehow, my small little cousin began to do a mini striptease. =X I don't know what happened but she began removing her dress (she's only 3 mind you...) and yea, we all felt very paiseh about it.
Oh well, here are some of the photos taken during that night...

The four of us wore specs that evening! Woots! Fantastic 4!
The Fantastic 4 and Qi Ling! Sharon said something interesting that night... "If she grew up with us, we would be called Power Rangers now" And it was then that I realised that we have the 3 guys 2 girls to be the power rangers and 3 guys and 1 girl to be the fantastic 4. So cool! haha =X
The 5 of us with the young ones...
My granny!!!! and my little cousin
Too bad the four of us did not have time to have our self-taking sessions. If not there would be more photos. Oh well... that's all for now =)
P/s: Stay away you sephiroth!!! SCREAM!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Venue: East Coast
Date: October 2005
Time: 7.30pm to 8.30pm
Contest Description:
Contestants are to take pictures of themselves in a dark environment to see if they are able to blend in. Those who are able to blend in will be winners of this contest.
I remembered last year, my cousins and I went on a quest to see how black we actually are. We were having dinner at Jumbo Seafood Centre at East Coast and were quite bored after dinner since the adults went to have their adult conversation, leaving us teenagers (and 1 kid) alone by ourselved. So what other things to do than to have some fun man! Obviously, I lost the contest. Here are the results of the "So you think you are black?" contest.
Introducing, Picture 1A...
Oooh... so black! Is there someone standing there?
Here comes, Picture 1B (after editing)...
Now for Picture 2A...
Okay, fine... So the person in white is me... So obvious... But I can't see my face... So does that means that my face is black? =X
Oh my gosh! There is actually someone standing beside me! How scary!!!
Alrighty, Picture 3A...
What am I doing? Can you guess?
Picture 3B (after editing...)...
Ooh... I'm actually staring into blank space... and look! Samuel is beside me! again!!!
Lastly, Picture 4A (The ultimate)...
Ooh.. eerie light... scary....
Picture 4B(After editing)...
Wham! There you go... The 3 siblings are actually in that super duper black photo... how cool is that! whahahaha...
So you think you are black? Think again... muahahahaha... This is how interesting my cousins and I can get when we are bored =)
Anyway, the guys in camp gave me a surprise mini celebration on my chinese birthday. Felt really touched by their actions... Cake and all... I had fun that night... Seriously =)
Okay, I went to Vivo City with my family today. Not very interesting at the moment as some of the shops are still not opened yet. But there is this interestingly annoying guy in green who stands on a platform in the middle of the shopping centre, trying to be a "traffic police". He is obviously hired by the shopping centre to inject fun into the dry atmosphere there lar... All he did was chasing little kids and scaring unaware shoppers... Even those at the second storey of the shopping centre weren't spared of his crazy antics. At another corner of the shopping centre, there are 3 women in a metal container, talking to each other. One was dressed like cleopetra, another was dressed as kylie minogue(wateva the spelling is) and I still can't figure out who the last one is supposed to be. I think they are suppose to be there offering shoppers some fashion advise (so they say... hmmm...) But all I heard was them bitching about each other (as written in the script they have memorised i guess...). Oh well... Wateva (With at capital W)... I shall visit the GV there one day though.. .Look so glamorous... haha... (air headed comment...)
I will be preparing for Korea trip soon. My cousins suggested that we wear same T-shirts on the day we fly off.. Woots! We youngsters shall wear expensive stuff while the older ppl will wear their Giordano or Bossini... haha... yippee!!
My long lost (never seen before) cousin will be getting married on Tuesday. I will be attending his wedding dinner but it will definitely be awkward because I don't even know him. Hmmm... I know only know his sister though since the both of us were in Meridian! (wheeee...) Wonder how she is doing in Meridian now.. Oh well... shall find out this tuesday... woots!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I am going to Korea at the end of this year... Yay me! It has been really long since I've last sat on an aeroplane sooo... I'm rather excited about the trip. The only thing which I've been in contact with Korea is... The last time which I sat on a plane (Korean airlines... -_-") yea... so... Wateva (with a capital W).
Speaking of aeroplane, I remember when I was young, I was very afraid to spell the word "aeroplane" because I was scared that I would spell the word wrongly. So I ended up using the word "airplane" in every composition I wrote. haha... how stupid. It happened when I was in lower primary... (So very long ago...)...
Yuppie doodles... Oh yea, my birthdays fall on two consecutive days this year! how cool is that! Chinese birthday is on eve of mooncake festival! So those who forget to get me a present on the eve of mooncake festival can give it to me on actual mooncake festival itself... woots! (Just kidding... i'm not so GPGS okay?) Alright... I shall take my leave...
p/s: If you are wondering what GPGS means, it means " Gian png, Gian sai" aka rice and shit also want free (i think that's the meaning...) alrighty...